Success Stories

Every year, many pets and homeless animals with an illness or injury are left untreated and in discomfort and pain because the animal’s owner or animal shelter cannot pay for veterinary care or surgery. CACF seeks to alleviate some of the financial burden of the medical care by providing grants to help cover significant portions of the cost of their pet’s veterinary care.
Here are just a few of the animals we have been able to save with your help!



Ollie is a one-year-old dog who accidentally ingested a large amount of Tylenol at his home. Ollie's family was devastated and rushed him to Canyon Pet Hospital, where they were informed that the treatment would be costly and they were unable to afford all of it. Fortunately, the Canyon Animal Care Foundation stepped in and provided funding to cover part of Ollie's medical expenses.

Thanks to the foundation's generous support, Ollie received the necessary treatment and was able to make a full recovery. His family is eternally grateful to the Canyon Animal Care Foundation for giving them the opportunity to keep their beloved pet by their side.





This is Marshall, a 5-year-old dog who was diagnosed with diabetes. Marshall's family was devastated by the news, but they were determined to get him help.

Thankfully, the Canyon Animal Care Foundation,  was able to fund Marshall's medications, allowing him to receive treatment at home and giving him more time with his loving family.
Marshall's story is a testament to the amazing work that the Canyon Animal Care Foundation does. They are truly making a difference in the lives of animals and their families.





This is Buck, a beloved pet who was saved by the Canyon Animal Care Foundation. Buck was suffering from food bloat, a life-threatening condition. Thanks to the foundation's generous funding, Buck received the fluids and medications he needed to recover.

The foundation's support made all the difference in Buck's life. His family is so grateful for the care he received and for the opportunity to have him back home with them.
Thank you for your continued support of the Canyon Animal Care Foundation. Your donations make it possible for them to provide life-saving care to animals in need.






Dude travels around with his mom in her semi-truck enjoying the sites for her job, but he is based here in Flagstaff and recently became ill. Owner needed some financial assistance for his care. And with the help of her and Canyon Animal Care Foundation donations, Canyon Pet Hospital was able to treat and get him back on the road with his owner. 






This is JoeJoe! He lives with his dad and both are considered homeless. The Canyon Animal Care Foundation was able to save his life while Joejoe was going through a serious life threatening condition of prostatitis and spinal disc inflammation. JoeJoe was so painful he was unable to eat, go to the bathroom and also unable to walk or use his hind limbs. We were so happy to report JoeJoe has now returned back to normal after his surgery, treatments and the care of his dad. THANK YOU for your donations. You make a difference in the lives of pets in northern Arizona. This means the world to their owners who do not have homes or resources to help their best friends.






Suki is the most affectionate but also the most energetic and playful little gremlin that has been a wonderful addition to my family. She acts like a cat and loves to hide and burrow under our bed and couch but will suddenly emerge and reap terror on our house, and my other dog. She is quite intelligent and very in tune to emotions of people around her. Suki has been very easy to train and since she was a tiny 10lb puppy she loves learning new commands. She has absolutely made my life so much better and I’m so happy I was able to add her to my little zoo. 





Meet Dragon. Sensitive, cuddly, and amazes us with her mobility! She is happy! Plays well with other dogs. Likes to share. Always trying new areas of the house. Babies and small kids don’t bother her too much as long as they aren’t moving too fast. Dragon has been a great addition to our family and we are enjoying her everyday. She is extremely close to her owners and cries if he leaves the house or uses the bathroom!!!
Here is Macie, which when I googled it means “a gift from god”, which she most definitely is. So happy this little one survived her battle with parvo.
When Shaunna brought her to me she weighed 4.4 lbs. and now weighs 5.7 lbs. She is really thriving and full of energy.
She is so sweet and full of kisses, and loves to play with her big sister, Meadow (2-1/2) who is a 30 lb. Wheaten Terrier. It’s amazing with the size difference how they get along so well. Meadow is very careful around her and gets down to her level.
She is like having a doll you can dress up. I’ve bought the cutest Christmas outfits plus bows, and even matching outfits for both doggies. I found a pink sweater that says, “Psycho but Cute”, which describes her spunky personality for sure.
Luna Pupperino
Luna came to me and my husband in 2018 after receiving care from the Canyon Animal Care Foundation. She was surrendered due to a severe upper respiratory infection that required hospitalization. She was a strong and sassy little thing right from the get-go! I met her while she was still hospitalized, and immediately knew she had to come home with me. Even when she was feeling sick, she had a spark in her eyes that told me she was going to do just fine. She was very soon running around and wanted nothing more than to play with anything that she could chomp on. She was a tiny 7 pounds when she was staying in the hospital, and my husband and I were living in a tiny home at the time. We took a gamble at guessing that she wouldn’t grow too much, but of course we did not know. As she grew and grew, she learned to navigate a small space and stopped growing at about 40 pounds. She’s the perfect size dog for our family, and has the best personality.
She’s 3 years old now, and living her best life! She is independent, funny, and so fast. She hates water, and will delicately step around a puddle on a hiking trail. She has a best friend, Tess, and they love to play ball. She has earned the nickname “Lunatic” for her crazy playtime antics, and has warmed up to the idea of snuggling. My husband and I just purchased our first house, and she now has her own big yard for her endless zoomies. She’s learning to go up and down stairs, but would much rather be carried. She is our favorite goofball, and we are so glad she is part of our family.
Bean Sprout
This is Sprout (aka Bean Sprout). Sprout was an owner surrender due to having a broken femur for a few days after falling out of a vehicle at 4 months. Canyon Pet Hospital tried to fix her leg, but the injury was too old resulting in amputation. When I first brought her home in her little cone of shame, she instantly connected with Sam (my other rescue) . I was changing out of my work clothes and found them both snuggled together in a little sunspot on the floor. Since day one those two have connected. Sam never cared for other dogs but when Sprout came home, I think it made him feel a part of the doggie. Sprout has the cutest greeting when I get home where her back-end wiggles so fast and she does a chew-baca howl letting me know shes excited I’m home. She loves her older brother, and they sleep together every night. She is the alpha of the two and is always on the watch for pesky neighbors’ cats or squirrels. So happy that Canyon was able to take care of her and that I was able to be her mom! I love my little Bean Sprout!
Mitch was unlucky enough to be sick with canine parvovirus when he was 4 months old. Thanks to the Canyon Animal Care Foundation be was able to be hospitalized for treatment and find a new home. 
He and his new dog brother (Greg) immediately loved each other and his nervous dog brother has really come out of his shell - all thanks to Mitch. 
In his new infection free life - the adventures never stop. He has been in his new home for 14 months now. In that time he has traveled to 3 other states and visited 7 National Parks.  You can also find him exploring the Mount Elden area or Sedona almost daily. His humans even made him his own Instagram @mitch_adventurepuppy knowing that he was going to have a life full of adventures.
Nina, the tortoise shell cat, was helped using the CACF donations for not being able to eat or defecate for 2 days. With the help of the foundation, we were able to get her the help she needed to get back to feeling sassy again!
Sammy the chihuahua was attacked by a pack of dogs and had her entire back injured. The owner was unable to cover enough for the hospital care and surgery. But with the CACF's help with the cost of surgery, the owner was able to get help from friends for the rest and Sammy was able to stay with her owner following a long hospital stay and recovery.